
At NextJob, we believe it takes a community working together to transform lives; that everyone who wants a job should have a job and that it starts with an excellent job search. In our charitable giving, we make impactful job search training curriculum available to those who cannot afford it.


We believe in the power of work. And we believe in charitable giving and the power of voluntary action. To that end we support local nonprofits in what they do through what we call our Job-for-Job program. We were inspired by a company called TOMS Shoes which gives hundreds of thousands of shoes away to children in need all over the world. Their idea was that for every shoe a customer purchases, TOMS will match it one-for-one by donating a pair of shoes to a child in need. We decided to follow that model with a one-for-one effort of our own. For every reemployment package our customers buy, we donate access to our job search learning system to someone in need – one-for-one, Job-for-Job.

Our partners range in their focus from the homeless to disabled veterans and at risk youth. We work closely with our business clients and partners to reach the nonprofits they support in their communities. Our goal is to support nonprofits in their mission with excellent online learning resources for their clients. Our vision is to help eliminate the many poverties of unemployment by encouraging and supporting nonprofits with an effective tool to give their clients a hand up into employment.

Job-for-Job Partners – Benefits and Details

Provides a Comprehensive Curriculum

We’ve assembled a comprehensive and easy-to-use online job search training. It covers topics from resume writing to networking and from interviewing to retention in a new job. It includes a teach-show-do model of learning, building, directly in the system, a resume, target employer list, career interests, answers to common interview questions and many other job search tools. Throughout, job-seekers find videos of employers and job seekers as well as examples in text and audio.

Tracks Goals and Measurable Outcomes

The NextJob software also provides measurable outcomes throughout the training to give clients goals they can achieve, such as: resume completion, personality assessment and training, development of a marketing plan, and completion of interview training. Your staff can review real-time reports of how clients are progressing:

  • Know exactly when a client completes a training module and how long it took to complete
  • Pinpoint where clients are struggling to make your staff assistance efficient, just-in-time and targeted

Empowers Clients

The curriculum empowers clients with excellent resources and leverages the guidance of your staff, who can spend more time guiding, motivating and helping clients stay focused on their goals.

  • Builds confidence and increases self-sufficiency
  • Offers an easy-to-read, simple-to-use style and includes multimedia designed for all learning styles
  • Gives opportunity for new computer users to gain confidence in a simple environment
  • Is available anywhere and anytime a client connects at home, at your organization or anywhere else
  • Trains clients in the latest and most effective internet job searching tools and techniques
  • Eliminates wait time for a scheduled job search seminar through on-demand availability

Frees Up Staff and Volunteers & Avoids Burnout

When clients “do their homework,” they feel empowered and staff are freed to do more of what they do best.

  • Reduces staff and volunteer burnout with a powerful tool that helps clients become self-sufficient more quickly
  • Allows staff and volunteers to spend less time repeating information and more time where they’re needed most — career counseling and overcoming hurdles
  • Reinforces what staff teach for the coming weeks and months of job search activity
  • Provides real-time reports to assess where and when a client is stuck

Maximizes Mission

Our program promotes a successful job search by using the relationship you already have with your clients. Through your relationships, clients can receive guidance, motivation and accountability, key elements in a successful job search.

  • Helps people get back on their feet more quickly
  • Avoids long-term dependency on your resources so you can serve more
  • Expands your geographical reach, without expanding your bricks and mortar
  • Enhances, complements and expands the impact of the services you are already providing
  • Increases client accountability to drive better results and inspire donors
  • Provides a high quality and scalable solution

Become a Partner

We choose partners based on a number of criteria, including:

Become a partner or learn more by contacting us at

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