To stay up-to-date on the newest job postings and follow up on job applications, you don’t have to sit at your computer all day. Using a smart phone in your job search allows you to keep your job search current and active while you’re on the go.
Here are three ways to use your phone in your job search:
- Learn new job search techniques on - Log into your account right from your phone and learn how to approach employers while you’re waiting in line at the grocery, brainstorm your resume keywords while you’re on the treadmill or write your 60-second elevator pitch while you’re in the elevator. Your phone isn’t just for collecting friends any more. .
- Expand connections on LinkedIn Jobs - Install the LinkedIn Jobs app on your phone to search for open positions, apply for jobs, learn more about the company and see if you have any connections in your network that can introduce you to the employer. Be sure to update your profile and preferences in LinkedIn, because the mobile site will also recommend jobs based on your profile and past search criteria.
- Apply for jobs on Indeed Job Search - The Indeed Job Search app on your phone will let you quickly search for jobs based on your industry, job title and location so you are the first to know about new job postings. You can also attach your resume to your account so you can apply for jobs through the app and set up email alerts to let you know when matching new job has been posted.